Breath and Light Nourishment

Breath and Light
Are you ready to awaken to your inner light and radiate your true beauty? Journey with Miriam as she guides you–-breath by breath–-to a state of pure being. Discover the innate healing power of breath and meditation to transform all aspects of your life. Join us!
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Recent Comments From Practitioners
I have been doing the Stillness meditation for the past 3 days. This meditation is very magnetic at the core of this meditation. The resonance, the brilliance that I feel while meditating encompasses my whole body, and the radiance shows up in a very powerful way. Plus the tone of Miriam's voice is a perfect match that delivers a vey magnetic and complete message of stillness.
Caroline T.
This meditation and breath practice was quite nourishing and I feel amazing having spent time doing this practice. Many thanks for this lovely work and for sharing your blessing.
Paula K-E.
Thank you so much for making this available, Miriam. It’s a point of calm in my week.
Jeanne B.
Once again, I have experienced the healing power of the breath. I had been experiencing pain in my shoulder and back. I decided to do a healing breath practice and it definitely eased the pain in my physical body. Amazing! Thank you for introducing me to breath practice.
Brett C.
Miriam's Meditations deeply resonate, including a recent offering where Miriam discussed the "warehouse of beliefs" we tend to keep. I felt such peace. Her wisdom spills over from one day to my next, and when I am asked by others to help. As I listen to more of her meditations, I'm becoming more aware of the time/space that Miriam is cultivating. I've meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. There is a timelessness that some people who embody their path bring to their meditations--that create the environment for the whole world to suspend, to feel that anyone tuning-in is in a genuine place of no-time/no-space for the experience together. Miriam is being this quite consistently, creating no-time/no-space quite naturally, and with lingering resonance.

“Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding.”
Thich Nhat Hanh